Well, the gallbladder does serve a function in the human body. I did not realize that my symptoms of severe diarrhea and IBS in my late thirties were caused by my gallbladder being removed and the natural depletion of my enzyme producing abilities. Too bad it was several years later that I figured it out. The gallbladder is a small sac under the liver. The liver produces bile. Half of which goes to the small intestine and the other half goes to the gallbladder for storage until further use. I could no longer enjoy steaks and large Mexican (high fat) meals.
Bile is needed for 3 things:
It neutralizes the acid from the stomach. Bile breaks down fats so that they can be digested and it is a natural laxative for the colon. Without your gallbladder you have a very difficult, if not impossible time digesting high fat content meat and meals. You also will not readily absorb the much needed omega three fatty acids which are essential to good health.
So, you are living without a gallbladder. Here are five things I have learned that have made a great deal of difference in my health and energy levels:
1. Avoid all foods high in fat, meats, dairy and eggs. You may get by eating much smaller portions of these items. Eat more unrefined grains, vegetables, fruits, organic if possible. Choose fish over meats and eat much smaller portions than you were used to.
2. Add Ox bile and lipase enzymes to your supplement list. These will help break down your fats for you. Ox Bile is key. It helps to emulsify or break down fats, may help with constipation, helps in the assimilation of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and essential fatty acids.
3. Add beets or beet powder to your diet. Beets have long been known to help restore the liver's capabilities.
4. Do a Liver Cleanse or flush once every three or four months. More information is available on my web site.
5. Make sure you are getting plenty of fiber. The colon need to be clear of undigested food and pollutants because the liver will continue to re-absorb this toxic mix, making you feel very sluggish.
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